13th June 2006 Main Committee Meeting

Well they finally did it; at last night’s meeting I was elected President. Whilst the main business of the meeting was the succession from Richard Eley to myself, the meeting was primarily taken up with three items:

    1. The committee structure of the Society and its ongoing management. This resulted in some changes to the existing committees with an emphasis on the necessity for all activities to have representation on Main Committee. One area where we are deficient is that there isn’t a co-ordinating committee for Practice members in the same way that we have Chartered Accountants in Business (CAB). This Practice committee would co-ordinate the existing Practise Support groups and investigate bring others online.
    2. Graham Durgan, the meeting was unanimous in its support for Graham and condemned the ICAEW for its treatment of him in the days before his planned accession to the Presidency of the ICAEW. It was decided that we should present Graham with a lifetime service award.
    3. It was also decided that we needed to supplement the ICAEW proposal of scrapping News Review in favour of Accountancy for all with some sort of local magazine/newsletter.
    I resolved that as it was part of my vision for the year I would chair the Communications Sub-Committee and attend the ICAEW local review committee. 2006/2007 Objectives for TVSCA Presidency
    1. To listen to members of all persuasions. Try and make the interface between members and committees two way, starting with this blog of public activities on http://www.pmtate.co.uk/tvsca.
    2. To produce and implement a suitable communication strategy for our local news and events to allow the District Society to grow volunteers and activities.
    3. Build a sustainable succession plan.
    4. Develop a relationship with the larger firms in the region.
    5. Investigate re-creating the Town Groups with a view to having cross professional events.