February Stoppress

This is my February Stoppress article:

I would like to thank the members who responded to my request for feedback on Stoppress, four in support with one against, not bad for January. Last week I received a letter from Reed Business School, offering a ?50 discount for those member firms that unfortunately have students who recently failed their exams. Full details are on my or available from the download box. It is a requirement of the offer to submit a copy of this letter.
I look forward to meeting some of you at our next Chartered Accountants in Business workshop,
‘Staff Management’ presented by Joy Ainley at Sonning Golf Club. Full details of this workshop and our CPD courses are in the events section of this newsletter.
Paul M Tate
paul@pmtate.co.ukThe full edition is available here: http://cecollect.com/ve/ZZ97707782788186u61WZ6
I have also put the statistics we collected here:? http://www.pmtate.co.uk/tvsca/resource/febstoppressreport.mht?press your back arrow to come back here, I haven’t managed to put the heading block on it.